Proud New Member Of AEE Glam Group Collaborative!

Blue Candies is proud to be a new member of Alba’s Glam Group Collaborative Movement. A trademark of Alba’s Exclusive Events, The Glam Group Collaborative Movement is a network created to engage experiences for emerging community of fashion designers, makeup artists, photographers, models, hairstylists, salon and boutique owners and lifestyle entrepreneurs.

Their mission: To continue to build a platform for community outreach, education, training, business and brand awareness and recognition. To promote the economic development by focusing on nurturing the creative class and encourage partnership with our charity to create awareness.

Members receive partial travel, promotional and marketing benefits, collaborate on projects such as photo shoots, fashion and theatrical events and magazine ad campaigns, launch campaigns and other media events year round.

Being a part of this movement is exciting and scary for me at the same time. My business needs the exposure but at the same time can I handle the new found popularity a PR Company can bring? Either way it goes, I am strong and ready for whatever. I think its going to be an awesome and empowering experience.

Interested In Joining? Please contact the AEE Glam Group Collaborative for details and member proposal packages at

please Like Us On FaceBook Follow Us On Twitter@BlueCandies And On InstaGram@BlueCandiesbyCK

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